Saturday, August 14, 2010


Yesterday my friend, Bababa emails me and says, "What are you doing tomorrow?" I repsond with a  ..."Well, if I get lots done in the morning, [I am still working on the  basment clean-up.] I would like my husband to take me to the beach.  I asked her what she was doing the follow day as well, but did not stay on the lap top long enought to read the reply, because I had to run and pick my husband up at work.  On the way home my husband announces, "I have to work tomorrow!"   "OH NO, I wanted to go to the beach hon. It is going to be hot and muggy again...oh well "  When I get home and pick up my emails and one from me to Bababa asking what she was doing tomorrow; I laughed as I read her response.  " I am going to the beach with YOU " Boy she has lots of faith eh?  So ya,  I emailed her back and said..." ITS JUST ME AND YOU BABY"  I got up early in the morning  6:30 and worked hard getting caught up with laundry and housekeeping and began cleaning up SOME of the basement. She pulled in the driveway (late) .. Baba's always late and that is okay because I expect it and I am never disappointed when she is late.  lol  Anyhow... she drives a convertable!  We drove in the muggy weather with the top down, hats and sunglasses on.   I wish someone could have taken our pics!   We drove to the Point which is about an hours drive; so we had an hour of yakin there and and hour of yakin on the way back and three hours of yakin while we were there. That is a lot of yakin!   We had a lot to yak about in the driveway when she dropped me off too. I am sure if we had all night together we would continue our yakin.   Baba is my yakin friend. We never tire of each other and we have so so much to yak about.  Our times are never dull.  I love yakin with her and I hope she likes yakin with me.  Yakin with a friend is good as well as therapeutic;  Downloading, debriefing, catching up, advising, being advised, bouncing off ideas whatever it is good. So I had my Baba fix today and now I can get back to my cleaning and purging!  We both expressed ourselves on many fronts and resloved many ministry and teaching issues.  Yaking is talk therapy.  Now I can get back to purging the basement with a clear mind.

Talking is Therapy

Talk therapy.

  • Psychotherapy or personal counseling with a psychotherapist, is an intentional interpersonal relationship used by trained psychotherapists to aid in problems of living.
  • Talk therapy is an alternate name for the various forms of psychotherapy that emphasize the importance of the client or patient speaking to the therapist as the main means of expressing and resolving issues.
  • Psychoanalysis , the first modern form of psychotherapy, was called the "talking cure," and the many varieties of therapy practiced today are still characterized by their common dependence on a verbal exchange between the counselor or therapist and the person seeking help. Some of these therapies that are characterized by the verbal exchange include: cognitive-behavioral therapy , behavior therapy, couples therapy , family therapy , grief counseling and therapy, group therapy , interpersonal therapy , person-centered therapy , psychodynamic psychotherapy , and rational emotive therapy . Both self-help groups and support groups also rely on the discussion of an issue as a main part of the cure.
 Searan Rambles

Sunday, August 8, 2010


It was time to do some spring cleaning in August. There was no time like the present!

Have you ever wanted to get something done around your house and you talk about it, and talk about it, plan for it; anticipate it... but it never happens. Well, it happened. Yay! We, my husband and I cleaned out the furnace room of the old furniture we were saving, (for what I asked?) Pieces of drywall; old dried up clay (my pottery stuff) that had moldy spots. (ewe); ancient computer parts; wires; plugs; books, magazines and whatever have you that you just don't know where to put, so it goes in 'that' room. Have you ever been there? Well the furnace room received a good cleaning and purging. Up the stairs we carried the boxes, junk and furniture. It was very hard work. I was sweating huge droplets as we loaded the trailer, and off to the dump we went, where we now had to unload the trailer, which was not as hard, but we exerted energy for sure! The ride back home was ten minutes of pure enjoyment, windows open, catching our breath and enjoying the breeze. Once we were home back down to the basement I went to finish sweeping and cleaning the furnace room. THEN... I hauled a ton of clean, dry wood down the stairs and stock piled it in the room. How many up and down trips did I do on the basement stairs?

(Lugging IKEA bags packed with the heavy wood - about 10 logs at a time down the twelve stairs and then after I emptied the haul and piled it back up the stair I would have to climb to get more wood.) I would say about 15 trips... NO exaggeration!

My body hurt all night...

Well, my furnace room is somewhat clean. A few more things to go this Saturday. TOXIC waste day. Paint, toners, and old mercy light bulbs/florescent kind.

Now that I have one basement room done... the itch is on to do the other three parts - down there in the dark and gloomy dungeon. It does make one feel good inside when you finish a project or partial project. I feel challenged in a good way to continue the purging. It felt good.

However, today is Sunday and I need a break. I am resting and typing this blog instead,

just because!

Searan ~ resting


