Monday, September 20, 2010


Begining whatever it is you are starting up...we are starting up the tractor!

I have made a decision to begin my autumn by implementing a plan; yes an agenda.  I hate agenda's, but in this case it is to develop and establish new habits in my life by bringing myself under self-control and discipline. There will be many changes in the new plan that I am going to embrace and glue myself to it no matter how hard I groan.  I used to do this a few years back so I know there is a furrow already made in my spiritual DNA that I can easily slide into again.  I am looking forward to it.  Okay- back to beginings...
How I begin anything will play a huge part in the quality of whatever it is.  "HOW" is a key word. How I start off something new will also be a factor in the quality of the finished product. In looking back I can see that when I have started something even a project on the spur of the moment with all my impulsivity - but with good intentions...  they seemed to have either peter-out or be abandoned.  I am purposed in my heart now as I am older and wiser not to parent a project and then abandon the child.  How significant this plan is to me, and how much importance I want it to have will hinge on the amount of tender loving care and time I put into it. I must be patient to let it grow.  I must be patient in the fetal stages and not rush the development or something may be missing or crippled in the growth stages.  I must take the time to dig deep, so the foundations that are built will support the project.  If I dig too deep and don't build huge, no harm is done. If I don't dig deep and then the building takes off - I am in trouble!  It will topple.  So I must take care.  Prayerfully getting the strategies from God for every step.  

The foundation is the part that is used every day.  We stand on it; we build on it; we put weight on it and it supports us and we depend on that!   If the foundation that I build collapses because I didn't dig deep enought the rest of the building will collapse as well, so I must take special care what I am building on.  
The only foundation there is is Jesus Christ.  He is the rock bed and the corner stone but I must dig deep. "Knowing Jesus and abiding in Him is the foundation of our spiritual lives!"

"We may build many things upon this foundation, and we may learn many great truths about His ways and His purposes. We may do great things for Him, but coming to Him every day, and doing all that we do with Him instead of just for Him, is essential if we are to bear true spiritual fruit."  Rick Joyner

The purpose and foundation of all things must be summed up in Jesus.  I must be careful to keep the purposes of God as the focus of my life and all I do.  That is my measuring stick.  All I do should be founded and grounded in Jesus or l may find myself distracted by the lesser purposes of God. 
I don't want to be side tracked and I don't wan't to loose track of what I am called to do by being busy with things that are not His purpose for my life.  I need to take stock of my life - tear down and rebuild as Jeremiah 1:9  says.  
If it is not working ... then check the foundation! 

(My husband recieved this scripture 12 years ago from
Kerry Reid, along with a prophetic picture of driving a tractor and plowing deep. Kerry saw him as a root bound pot and needed a large feild to be planted in so he could grow to his full potential. [this reminds me of another field word we heard this summer!] He needed to be replanted and taken out of the little pot so he could grow a stronger root system- growin deep in the soil.  The ploughing had to be done first so he had a prepared soil ready to recieve.)   We can't grow in clay!

Jeremiah 1:9 (The Message)

9-10God reached out, touched my mouth, and said,
"Look! I've just put my words in your mouth—hand-delivered!
See what I've done? I've given you a job to do
among nations and governments—a red-letter day!
Your job is to pull up and tear down,
take apart and demolish,
And then start over,
building and planting."
THE HORSE DUG FURROW..    Dig deep before you plant the seed.  Horses are prophetic of intercession.  Prayer and hard work digging in and going deep to prepare the ground.  Nothing, absolutely nothing can be established without the prayer work behind it bringing it to life - birthing it - and nurturing it to grow.    

1 comment:

  1. Moving lots of dirt seems to be a theme lately... foundations are essential elements.....then what springs forth will take it's intended shape. I really enjoyed this article, it is a good reminder for priorities and our dependance on foundation for support, structure, and growth in all areas of our lives. Good work pastor!
